MS05 Transporter: Boundary of the Membrane Transports Xenobiotics and Nutrients
MS05-1 Novel aspects of SLC22 organic anion transporters
MS05-2 Bidirectional roles of carnitine/organic cation transporters OCTNs
MS05-3 The role of PCFT/SLC46A1 in intestinal absorption of folates
MS05-4 Role of MRP3/ABCC3 in the folate absorption
MS05-5 Progress in Drug Transporter Research: From Bench to Bedside
MS05-7 Impact of glycerol metabolism through aquaporin 7
MS05-8 Lipid matabolism and ABC transporter
MS05-9 Sodium-dependent phosphate transporter and cardiovascular disease
MS05-10 Trasnporters involved in uptake of essential and toxic minerals in plants
MS05-11 The Sodium/Iodide Symporter (NIS): An Unending Source of Surprises
MS05-12 Importance of drug transporter studies in the new drug discovery and Development